Thursday, June 02, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

Ok, I have to admit, the last two posts were a bit boring. Time for more pictures and a lot more sensation. What about investigating some conspiracy theories? Let's get to it.

One of the most well known conspiracy theories must be the Roswell Incident. In Early July 1947, a couple of witnesses saw an UFO crashing down in the New Mexican desert near Roswell. The 'believers' immediately jumped on the story, and the government kept their mouth shut, which only added more value to the believers' theories. The results were hundreds of websites covering on the subject - each and everyone telling to uncover a bit more of the truth - and an ideal story for big Hollywood movies Like Men In Black. Most theories say that after the UFO had crashed, the US Army picked up the debris (and Aliens inside) and transported them to an army base called 'Area 51'. You must have already have heard about this name before, recently there was even a game released with the same title (and subject).

How about looking up this 'Area 51' and searching for the Aliens ourselves? On foot or by car it is literally impossible to get anywhere near the vacinity of Aria 51. The surroundings are heavily guarded and trespassers risk to be shot. So I'm trying it the safe way, yes, Google Maps. Well, to be perfectly honest, Google Maps didn't make it that easy either, I could have known... Just typing 'Area 51' didn't give any results, a conspiracy maybe? I had to search google to find anyone else who had more succes finding it. And so here it is, Area 51!

The mysterious Area 51

But what's the deal with the big white spot? Is Google trying to hide something for us, is it a conspiracy after all? Well, I hate to dissapoint you, but actually the white you see is a dried up saltwater lake called 'Groom Lake'. Here's a picture from it, taken by another satellite. So nothing special to see here, and when you zoom in to close, Google says it doesn't have the images for that zooming level. For those who do want to see more, and I know you do, here's a link for more detailed pictures of the facility. Unfortunately, no Aliens either.

A more detailled view

The area surrounding Area 51 also has some other nice things to look at. Like 'Area 19' for example (kind of makes you wonder how many area's they have...). This is even an old nuclear testing site, called Area 3, which is quite impressive when seen from a larger distance. So I guess this is what Nagasaki looks like. And I still wonder what this is...


So unfortunately we couldn't find any evidence on Aliens or UFO's. The discussion will probably keep continuing, altough the US government considers the case to be closed. Now I want to hear what you think, do you think they are hiding something for us, or is it just another conspiracy theory...?


  • At 6:28 AM, Blogger An Hauquier said…

    Quite interesting. I think some people will always keep wondering about what really happened. I myself don't know what to believe. Not everything is a conspiracy, but you never know what might be true.

    A couple of years ago, there was this magazine, X-factor, which dealt with things like this. The main article of the first issue was of course about Area 51. It also had 'photos' from the 'aliens' and stuff. My grandmother used to buy them for me and I still have all of them. But I was more interested in articles about ghost sightings etc.

  • At 4:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You love google! I do too. I have played with the mapping but there are other sattelite imaging sites that zoom in a little more...some are even free!


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